Level 1 (passed): Essential (just the notes and qbank) Level 2(pending): Same, Essential,notes and qbank Did not get the official CAIA textbook for either. Also, I did not refer to the official study materials, but the official study guide and workbook (and the official mock exam) are helpful. Whatever you decide, make sure you inquire about how they prepare their materials and what value-add comes from the online class. I also caveat that I used before the curriculum overhall that occurred last year - so it may have improved since then. For L2, I did not have this problem with Uppermark. For instance, there were a few questions in L1 (when I used ) where I had no clue of what they were talking about. Does a better job for Videos/online class (the Uppermark videos were subpar for the most part the instructor read off the slides) for everything else I would use Uppermark. I have used both (premium packages - all the bells and whistles): L1 I used L2 I used Uppermark.